Coolant Filtration Overview
Diesel Engine Coolant Filtration Systems Coolant system filters are typically partial-flow (by-pass) filters, with less than 10% of the coolant flow circulating through the filter at any given time. Donaldson's coolant filter offering allows you to choose the method that suits your maintenance practices and schedules. Donaldson coolant filters are designed to work in a wide variety of operating environments and meet the service requirements of the majority of heavy- duty diesel engines. Use of the correct filter is important to maintain the proper balance in the system to prevent over concentration (silicate drop out) or under concentration which leads to corrosion, liner pitting or other system problems.
There are multiple types of coolant filters: • The pre-charge filter which contains enough coolant additive to initially charge the cooling system and to allow for depletion to the first service interval. • The standard charge spin-on filters which contain adequate chemical additive to maintain cooling systems between service intervals. • Non-additive filters contain no chemical additives and can be used with cooling systems maintained by liquid additive, systems using long life coolants which require no additive, or on overcharged systems to bring the additive level back to a normal range. Non-additive filters are not intended to be used with water-only systems. Non-additive Donaldson Blue filters will go the distance of your coolant.These filters are intended for extended service coolant users. • Donaldson Blue filters with additive replenishment technology contain small amounts of time-release
additives to replenish coolant and maintain healthy coolant conditions.They are a direct replacement to standard filters.
Filter Media Coolant filter medias are available to meet the most stringent of engine system design challenges. Donaldson engineers have a history of development and application of media technology that exceeds application cleanliness and service life expectations.
Synteq™ Synthetic Media Extended life intervals require micro-fiberglass synthetic media. Synteq media provides enhanced durability for extended drain intervals while maintaining or improving efficiency and capacity. This coolant media also offers lower restriction, ensuring component protection over a larger range of engine conditions. Cellulose Media Engine coolant filter media is most commonly a pleated cellulose base material.This media effectively combines an application’s efficiency and capacity requirements while maintaining cost effectiveness.
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